Við bjóðum uppá tvær gerðir af súpu alla daga: Íslenska kjötsúpu á 2.900kr og okkar "local" rófusúpu sem gerð er úr gulrófum ræktuðum á næsta bæ, Þórisholti á kr: 2.200kr. Súpunum fylgir heimabakað brauð.
Daglega erum við með kökur og tertur bakaðar og framreiddar á staðnum.
We offer two kinds of soups with homemade bread every day. The soups are very nutritious; traditional Icelandic lamb soup and also we have the local turnip soup, made from turnips which are locally grown. There is a daily selection of cakes and pastries which are made at the restaurant.
Dagmatseðill okkar / Our day menu:
Daglega erum við með kökur og tertur bakaðar og framreiddar á staðnum.
We offer two kinds of soups with homemade bread every day. The soups are very nutritious; traditional Icelandic lamb soup and also we have the local turnip soup, made from turnips which are locally grown. There is a daily selection of cakes and pastries which are made at the restaurant.
Dagmatseðill okkar / Our day menu:

menu_2024.pdf |